Video Practice: Supta Hasta Padangusthasana – Yoga Stretch for Legs and Hips

Supta Hasta Padangusthasana translates to Supine or Reclining-Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose. The variation I practice and teach is an accessible, and back friendly version using a strap or band.

This Yoga pose and stretch is great for building flexibility around the hamstring and calf muscles. It also helps build hip mobility as it provides a great opportunity to stretch the hip extensors, inner thighs, hip adductors, groins, outer hips, external rotators (including piriformis), glutes, and outer hamstrings along the Iliotibial band of tissue (IT band)

If you have some outer knee and/or IT band syndrome or other issues, this may help release some tension around some of the muscles that are attached or connected to the IT band.

As a tighter yogi, this asana series can serve as a stand-alone practice, or as a nice warmup for a more active practice. I use variations of this in yin practice, and at the end of an active practice as a cool down/stretch pre-savasana. I find it a very meditative practice.

This can also serve as part of a post-run or post-leg day work out stretch routine.

Use this to extend the benefits of ball rolling the feet, calves, hips and/or glutes.

To minimize compensations: I aim to maintain a rough evenness of the side-waist through this practice; I also aim to maintain a neutral pelvis and the natural curves of the spine.

Props: Yoga strap or band.  Block and blanket/towel optional

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