Readings: Obstacles and courage

Over the last couple of weeks I revisited these readings from the past: “Do not wait for strength before setting out, for immobility will weaken you further. Do not wait to see clearly before starting; one has to walk toward the light. When you take the first step and accomplish that tiny little act, theContinue reading “Readings: Obstacles and courage”

Reading: Self-efficacy

My last post on teaching reminded me of this favorite from Sharon Salzberg’s The Force of Kindness:  “’People’s beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities….Ability is not a fixed property…there is huge variability in it; people who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failures; they approach things in terms ofContinue reading “Reading: Self-efficacy”

Reading: Salzberg on Self-efficacy (Bandura)

 “’People’s beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities….Ability is not a fixed property…there is huge variability in it; people who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failures; they approach things in terms of how to handle them rather than worrying about what can go wrong.’ Albert Bandura…..If ability isContinue reading “Reading: Salzberg on Self-efficacy (Bandura)”

Reading from Class weeks of 5/6 and 5/13 (Happy Mother’s Day!): Vyasa on Faith in Practice

I was inspired by these words on faith in practice also taken from the Letter “Faith and the Power of Practice” from Patricia Walden and her team — also found the nod to Mother’s timely.  Here they reference Vyasa’s commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra: “Faith sustains the yogi like a benevolent mother. At its simplest and mostContinue reading “Reading from Class weeks of 5/6 and 5/13 (Happy Mother’s Day!): Vyasa on Faith in Practice”

Reading from Class week of 4/29/2013: Philippe Vernier

I read this quote in a letter titled “Faith and the Power of Practice” from Patricia Walden and her team.   This was a great piece written on the power of maintaining faith and practice through the recent Marathon tragedy and trauma in Boston. “Do not wait for strength before setting out, for immobility will weakenContinue reading “Reading from Class week of 4/29/2013: Philippe Vernier”

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