Reading from Class: Important Reminder by Shantideva

“It is not possible for me to restrain the external course of things But should I restrain this mind of mine, what would be the need to restrain all else?” — Shantideva (Śāntideva)

Reading from Class: “Pain as Teacher”

“Pain is your best friend. It is infinitely more honest with you than pleasure. Despite what you might think, the painful experiences you have had benefit you far more than the pleasurable ones, even though most of us spend our lives trying to duck and hide from them.  But when you can center yourself andContinue reading “Reading from Class: “Pain as Teacher””

Reading from Class: Finding Purpose Within…and Cultivating Unconditional Friendliness

“Sometimes folks will treasure your work, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes you’ll get the gig, sometimes you won’t. You’ll be on the marquee and you’ll be passé. You’ll be thanked and you’ll be taken for granted. You’ll give and you’ll get nothing in return. You’ll be “Liked” and you’ll be unfriended…Anchor your purpose within, sweet friend.Continue reading “Reading from Class: Finding Purpose Within…and Cultivating Unconditional Friendliness”

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