Spring Renewal – All Possibilities

“It’s never too late to completely change your entire life. To become a better person. To become an asset to this world. To be of service to humanity. To transcend your Earthly predicament with love, compassion and humility. Never believe it is too late to rise to a higher vision. Each day is a fresh, beautiful opportunity to attainContinue reading “Spring Renewal – All Possibilities”

Reading: Buon Natale 2016!

“La vita è come un albero di natale, c’è sempre qualcuno che rompe le palle.” — Proverbio Italiano   “Life is like a Christmas tree, there’s always someone who breaks the balls.” — Italian Proverb   Inspired from the teaching of Loving Kindness Meditation during the last teacher training weekend, the Metta and meditation ofContinue reading “Reading: Buon Natale 2016!”

Reading: Reflections on Teaching — Intention and Perseverence

“Often we can achieve an even better result when we stumble yet are willing to start over, when we don’t give up after a mistake, when something doesn’t come easily but we throw ourselves into trying, when we’re not afraid to appear less than perfectly polished.” – Sharon Salzberg When I shared this in classes itContinue reading “Reading: Reflections on Teaching — Intention and Perseverence”

Reading: Maitri

“The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves…It is said that we can’t attain enlightenment, let alone feel contentment and joy, without seeing  who we are and what we do, without seeing our patterns and our habits.  This is called maitri – developing loving-kindness and an unconditional friendship withContinue reading “Reading: Maitri”

Reading from Class: Kris Carr on Intentions

Re-posting from Sept. 2013: “Sometimes folks will treasure your work, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes you’ll get the gig, sometimes you won’t. You’ll be on the marquee and you’ll be passé. You’ll be thanked and you’ll be taken for granted. You’ll give and you’ll get nothing in return. You’ll be “Liked” and you’ll be unfriended…Anchor yourContinue reading “Reading from Class: Kris Carr on Intentions”

Reading from Class: Discomfort with Pema Chödrön

“This particular teaching on the Four Limitless Ones, on maitri, compassion, joy and equanimity is really a teaching on how to take the situations of your life and train- actually train- in catching yourself closing down, catching yourself getting hard, and training in opening at that very point, or softening. In some sense reversing aContinue reading “Reading from Class: Discomfort with Pema Chödrön”

Reading from Class: Being Fully Present by Pema Chödrön

“It takes bravery to train in unconditional friendliness, it takes bravery to train in “suffering with,” it takes bravery to stay with pain when it arises, and not run or erect barriers… As we become intimate with these tendencies, they gradually become more transparent and we see that there’s actually space, there is unlimited, accommodatingContinue reading “Reading from Class: Being Fully Present by Pema Chödrön”

Reading from Class: Pema Chödrön on Dealing with Discomfort

“This particular teaching on the Four Limitless Ones, on maitri, compassion, joy and equanimity is really a teaching on how to take the situations of your life and train- actually train- in catching yourself closing down, catching yourself getting hard, and training in opening at that very point, or softening. In some sense reversing aContinue reading “Reading from Class: Pema Chödrön on Dealing with Discomfort”

Reading from Class: Finding Purpose Within…and Cultivating Unconditional Friendliness

“Sometimes folks will treasure your work, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes you’ll get the gig, sometimes you won’t. You’ll be on the marquee and you’ll be passé. You’ll be thanked and you’ll be taken for granted. You’ll give and you’ll get nothing in return. You’ll be “Liked” and you’ll be unfriended…Anchor your purpose within, sweet friend.Continue reading “Reading from Class: Finding Purpose Within…and Cultivating Unconditional Friendliness”

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