Hope Springs

Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach This winter feels like the shortest in my life. Maybe this was the first year I more fully lived the energy of the season. I mostlyContinue reading “Hope Springs”

vitoyoga December: Persistent Practice & Yoga at the Wall

“Humility and gratitude go hand in hand. The feeling of gratitude is an interaction between the mind and the body. Both will benefit from it. Awareness increases so that we become grateful for everything we are given. We have to learn, literally learn, to be grateful for what we receive day by day, simply toContinue reading “vitoyoga December: Persistent Practice & Yoga at the Wall”

Midweek Metta Meditation

The following wisdom of Donna Farhi that I shared in class this week (from her book Bringing Yoga to Life) deeply resonates with my metta meditation and Yoga practices: “What we discipline, then, is this movement of awareness, training ourselves to stay with rather than run from all that we experience. When we choose to stayContinue reading “Midweek Metta Meditation”

vitoyoga Autumnal Transitions Newsletter: New Classes and Videos

Dear Yogis, Friends, and Family, Many blessings for the start of a new season. Autumn offers a beautiful opportunity for us to reflect on transitions and impermanence. This may feel especially relevant and challenging now given COVID-19 and all that is going on in the world. The closing of studios including Yang’s in Andover whereContinue reading “vitoyoga Autumnal Transitions Newsletter: New Classes and Videos”

Video: Guided Metta (Lovingkindness) Meditation Practice

I have been sharing abbreviated metta or lovingkindness meditation practices with each Yoga class on Zoom. Here is a longer 15 minute guided meditation practice to cultivate and strengthen love, compassion, worthiness and acceptance towards ourselves and ALL beings. Find a comfortable seated position or lie down – whatever serves you best. Repeat the followingContinue reading “Video: Guided Metta (Lovingkindness) Meditation Practice”

Peru 2019 Yoga Retreat Reflections

June 2020: One year ago I was leading a life-changing Yoga + Metta retreat and journey to Peru.  It was an intimate group of special souls in a sacred land, that is made even more so by the practices of the indigenous people and shamanic ceremonies. Now in this time of COVID-19, I was given a timeContinue reading “Peru 2019 Yoga Retreat Reflections”

Finding My Way (and Joy) with Teaching Online Yoga

2.47 You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.  From Bhagavad Gita As It Is – by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ItContinue reading “Finding My Way (and Joy) with Teaching Online Yoga”

Frog Pose in Yin Yoga – Hip, Groin and Inner Leg Line Stretch

Supine Frog Pose at the wall (or couch) A hip-opening Yoga pose that offers a stretch for the groin, and the adductor muscles of the hips (i.e., inner thighs). Using a wall and doing the pose on the back makes this a more accessible and inclusive version of frog pose. I appreciate the knee-friendly aspectContinue reading “Frog Pose in Yin Yoga – Hip, Groin and Inner Leg Line Stretch”

Calf Stretch at the Wall Video – Great for Tight Calves, Ankles & Hamstrings

Really useful stretch series for tight calves and Achilles tendon, with a bonus foot stretch in the second part of the series. This series is great for tighter yogis like myself. It can help create more space and ease for the back line of the body and hamstrings, which helps when doing Adho Mukha SvanasanaContinue reading “Calf Stretch at the Wall Video – Great for Tight Calves, Ankles & Hamstrings”

Tadasana and Lateral/Side Stretch Variation: Thoracic Mobility – Untucking Posture – Standing Tall

This is a side stretch variation I have been incorporating into life and yoga practice to develop a greater sense of openness, and length in the side body and upper back/thoracic. I enjoy the upper back and lat. stretch, and upper back and neck strengthening that this series offers. It is also great for aContinue reading “Tadasana and Lateral/Side Stretch Variation: Thoracic Mobility – Untucking Posture – Standing Tall”

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