Midweek Metta Meditation

The following wisdom of Donna Farhi that I shared in class this week (from her book Bringing Yoga to Life) deeply resonates with my metta meditation and Yoga practices: “What we discipline, then, is this movement of awareness, training ourselves to stay with rather than run from all that we experience. When we choose to stayContinue reading “Midweek Metta Meditation”

Reading: Georg Feuerstein on “Mindfulness”

Originally posted 4/9/2013: From Georg Feuerstein’s book Yoga Gems: “So long as we are on automatic, we are propelled by our own habit patterns, and this merely reproduces our state of unenlightenment. The moment we introduce mindfulness, however, we can control undesirable thoughts, motivations, emotions, and actions and activate their positive counterparts.” – Georg Feuerstein With renewal of spring, I wasContinue reading “Reading: Georg Feuerstein on “Mindfulness””

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