Metta: Don’t I know you?

Part of practicing metta meditation involves working with beings that are “neutral” to us. These beings are neutral in the sense that they do not trigger too strongly within us a sense of aversion or attachment, hate or love, etc.  Since the pandemic, when I work with neutral beings in my metta meditations, many ofContinue reading “Metta: Don’t I know you?”

Heartbreak Metta

Through the practice of metta meditation especially when working with people that challenge us (i.e., “the other,” our enemy, opponent), it can be a practice of working with heartbreak – exposing unhealed wounds or scars. In my practice, people often come up that have essentially broken my heart – acted in ways that I experienceContinue reading “Heartbreak Metta”

Midweek Metta Meditation

The following wisdom of Donna Farhi that I shared in class this week (from her book Bringing Yoga to Life) deeply resonates with my metta meditation and Yoga practices: “What we discipline, then, is this movement of awareness, training ourselves to stay with rather than run from all that we experience. When we choose to stayContinue reading “Midweek Metta Meditation”

vitoyoga Autumnal Transitions Newsletter: New Classes and Videos

Dear Yogis, Friends, and Family, Many blessings for the start of a new season. Autumn offers a beautiful opportunity for us to reflect on transitions and impermanence. This may feel especially relevant and challenging now given COVID-19 and all that is going on in the world. The closing of studios including Yang’s in Andover whereContinue reading “vitoyoga Autumnal Transitions Newsletter: New Classes and Videos”

Video: Guided Metta (Lovingkindness) Meditation Practice

I have been sharing abbreviated metta or lovingkindness meditation practices with each Yoga class on Zoom. Here is a longer 15 minute guided meditation practice to cultivate and strengthen love, compassion, worthiness and acceptance towards ourselves and ALL beings. Find a comfortable seated position or lie down – whatever serves you best. Repeat the followingContinue reading “Video: Guided Metta (Lovingkindness) Meditation Practice”

Peru 2019 Yoga Retreat Reflections

June 2020: One year ago I was leading a life-changing Yoga + Metta retreat and journey to Peru.  It was an intimate group of special souls in a sacred land, that is made even more so by the practices of the indigenous people and shamanic ceremonies. Now in this time of COVID-19, I was given a timeContinue reading “Peru 2019 Yoga Retreat Reflections”

Reading: Towards Full Acceptance of Self

“‘Normality,’ says Howe, ‘is the paradise of escapologists, for it is a fixation concept, pure and simple.’ ‘It is better, if we can,’ he asserts, ‘to stand alone and to feel quite normal about our abnormality, doing nothing whatever about it, except what needs to be done in order to be oneself.’ –Henry Miller FromContinue reading “Reading: Towards Full Acceptance of Self”

Reading: Buon Natale 2016!

“La vita è come un albero di natale, c’è sempre qualcuno che rompe le palle.” — Proverbio Italiano   “Life is like a Christmas tree, there’s always someone who breaks the balls.” — Italian Proverb   Inspired from the teaching of Loving Kindness Meditation during the last teacher training weekend, the Metta and meditation ofContinue reading “Reading: Buon Natale 2016!”

Reading from Class: Kris Carr on Intentions

Re-posting from Sept. 2013: “Sometimes folks will treasure your work, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes you’ll get the gig, sometimes you won’t. You’ll be on the marquee and you’ll be passé. You’ll be thanked and you’ll be taken for granted. You’ll give and you’ll get nothing in return. You’ll be “Liked” and you’ll be unfriended…Anchor yourContinue reading “Reading from Class: Kris Carr on Intentions”

Reading from Class: Finding Purpose Within…and Cultivating Unconditional Friendliness

“Sometimes folks will treasure your work, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes you’ll get the gig, sometimes you won’t. You’ll be on the marquee and you’ll be passé. You’ll be thanked and you’ll be taken for granted. You’ll give and you’ll get nothing in return. You’ll be “Liked” and you’ll be unfriended…Anchor your purpose within, sweet friend.Continue reading “Reading from Class: Finding Purpose Within…and Cultivating Unconditional Friendliness”

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