Midweek Metta Meditation

The following wisdom of Donna Farhi that I shared in class this week (from her book Bringing Yoga to Life) deeply resonates with my metta meditation and Yoga practices: “What we discipline, then, is this movement of awareness, training ourselves to stay with rather than run from all that we experience. When we choose to stayContinue reading “Midweek Metta Meditation”

Reading from Class end of May 2013: Pema Chödron on being fully present

This is a real favorite of mine, that I love sharing: “It takes bravery to train in unconditional friendliness, it takes bravery to train in “suffering with,” it takes bravery to stay with pain when it arises, and not run or erect barriers… As we become intimate with these tendencies, they gradually become more transparentContinue reading “Reading from Class end of May 2013: Pema Chödron on being fully present”

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