Reading: Mindful action

“We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we have now has been the result of past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in the future can be produced by our present actions: so we haveContinue reading “Reading: Mindful action”

Reading: Practice Living Your Yoga

“Practice can be understood as a willingness to return to the reality of this very moment, that is, to observe with dispassion and clarity exactly what is–right now… …relying on paying attention to the thoughts and sensations of the moment will give me a chance to respond to life less from my patterns of defenseContinue reading “Reading: Practice Living Your Yoga”

Reading from Class: Gelek Rimpoche

“Everyone experiences discomfort. Even when you are just sitting still, doing nothing, you may still feel aches and pains. And even if you don’t, if everything is fine right now, you may still recall past slights and get stuck in a bad memory, or find yourself experiencing fear of the future. When we relive theContinue reading “Reading from Class: Gelek Rimpoche”

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