Frog Pose in Yin Yoga – Hip, Groin and Inner Leg Line Stretch

Supine Frog Pose at the wall (or couch) A hip-opening Yoga pose that offers a stretch for the groin, and the adductor muscles of the hips (i.e., inner thighs). Using a wall and doing the pose on the back makes this a more accessible and inclusive version of frog pose. I appreciate the knee-friendly aspectContinue reading “Frog Pose in Yin Yoga – Hip, Groin and Inner Leg Line Stretch”

Tadasana and Lateral/Side Stretch Variation: Thoracic Mobility – Untucking Posture – Standing Tall

This is a side stretch variation I have been incorporating into life and yoga practice to develop a greater sense of openness, and length in the side body and upper back/thoracic. I enjoy the upper back and lat. stretch, and upper back and neck strengthening that this series offers. It is also great for aContinue reading “Tadasana and Lateral/Side Stretch Variation: Thoracic Mobility – Untucking Posture – Standing Tall”

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