Calf Stretch at the Wall Video – Great for Tight Calves, Ankles & Hamstrings

Really useful stretch series for tight calves and Achilles tendon, with a bonus foot stretch in the second part of the series. This series is great for tighter yogis like myself. It can help create more space and ease for the back line of the body and hamstrings, which helps when doing Adho Mukha SvanasanaContinue reading “Calf Stretch at the Wall Video – Great for Tight Calves, Ankles & Hamstrings”


Figure Four Hip Opener with Legs up the Wall (i.e., Supine Pigeon, Eye of the Needle, etc.) One of my favorite asana (poses) for the outer hips and glutes.   Why: This is a great way to offer the outer hip opening without bearing weight on the knees and ankles, while maintaining ease in theContinue reading “Fundamentals: SUCIRANDHRASANA”

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