I wanted to thank you for your support over the years, and over the last couple of months of teaching online. I am so grateful to those of you who have made the time to practice with me.
I shared these words from Sharon Salzberg in class last night. This is a simple and hopeful reminder that we are never stuck:
“Nothing is static or fixed. The world is continually being reborn, including ourselves. We can thus envision, aspire and transform.” – Sharon Salzberg
These words have been a support as I begin adding more classes to my teaching schedule. Your participation in the Doodle poll really helped me to clarify your preferences, and to discern my next steps. I am excited to accommodate as many requests as I can with additional classes. I hope the schedule changes are helpful, as it means so much to have you there, benefiting from the opportunities for self-care and connection that class provides. My new schedule starts Sunday Nov. 1st:
See schedule on my website for updates and details: https://vitoyoga.com/schedule/
To join Zoom classes, please*:
1. Pay through Venmo https://venmo.com/Vito-Politano or PayPal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/vitoyoga
2. After paying, dm or email me with the best email to send the link on the day of practice
3. I will send the Zoom link one hour before class (please check spam folder)
* For the Mid-week Metta Meditation, skip step 1, and email me your interest in receiving the link.
I am offering each class on a pay-what-you-can basis from $4-$18.
(Please feel free to adjust your rate to meet the frequency of attendance.)
Note: you can make advanced payment for a few classes a week or for a month if it is more convenient.
Recordings are available for a few days if you cannot make the scheduled time.
Mid-week Metta Meditation Class
One of the joys of our experience of this life is that we are presented, moment-by-moment, the opportunity to shut down or stay open. There is freedom in this choice. It has been so meaningful to include mini metta or lovingkindness meditation practices at the end of each class. People have shared that the opportunities metta practice provides to strengthen their self-love, -acceptance, -compassion and -worth muscles, as well as deepen their connection to others are priceless. The seeds of this practice have provided my life with much opening and fulfillment.
Starting in November I am happy to be offering a free guided Mid-week Metta Meditation practice on Wednesday nights from 7:30-8p. The offering will include a quick check-in, guided metta meditation practice and some time for check-in and questions after. To join, please message me for the link and I will send it before the session begins.
Halloween Class
I will be guest teaching virtually through the Yoga Loft of Marblehead this coming Saturday October 31st from 8:15-9:30a. Click here to join: https://www.theyogaloftmarblehead.com/sign-up
Thanksgiving Class
I am planning to teach my new Thursday morning 9a class on Thanksgiving, so please join me if you like.
Workshop or Specialty Offerings
Please share your thoughts on a one-time pop-up or more regular workshop (monthly)?: Workshop ideas include: chair-as-prop yoga, couch/easy chair yoga, wall yoga, sliding yoga practice (towels or blankets on floor, paper plates on carpet?), handstand prep, upward facing bow/wheel prep, extended ball rolling and stretch, etc.
I want to thank Ram Dass for his thoughtful inspiration:
“I would like to play the part of someone who has worked on my consciousness sufficiently so that if things get tough, in terms of the environment, issues with social structures, oppression, protecting minority groups, whatever the thing is — I would like to be able to be in the scene without getting caught in my own reactivity to it, without getting so caught in my own fear that I become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.”
I wish you much peace, health, strength, and courage through the coming months, and hope to support you with some degree of stability, strength and openness.
Much love and appreciation,