Dear Yogis, Friends, and Family,
Many blessings for the start of a new season.
Autumn offers a beautiful opportunity for us to reflect on transitions and impermanence. This may feel especially relevant and challenging now given COVID-19 and all that is going on in the world. The closing of studios including Yang’s in Andover where I began teaching, is a reminder that transitions can sometimes be difficult. I am grateful for the opportunities and community connections these spaces have given me: Yang’s, Yogaworks, Samara, etc.
I have been surprised at how much I appreciate and value the transition to teaching online. It was difficult at first, as I faced anxiety and feelings of unworthiness similar to what I felt when I first started teaching in 2007. These are examples of how things that initially make me want to curl-up and hide, are often the very things I need to do. Staying under the covers is not a long-term growth strategy. This is a reminder of the value of working with resistance and doing the hard things. Steven Pressfield nicely describes this in his book The War of Art:
“Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do.
Remember our rule of thumb: The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.
Resistance is experienced as fear; the degree of fear equates to the strength of Resistance. Therefore the more fear we feel about a specific enterprise, the more certain we can be that that enterprise is important to us and to the growth of our soul. That’s why we feel so much Resistance. If it meant nothing to us, there’d be no Resistance.”
I am starting to feel another level of ease teaching with this format. Teaching online is even feeding the introvert aspects of my personality. I feel more purposeful in my teaching, and sharing metta meditation with each class is especially meaningful. (See my recent post: Finding My Way and Joy with Teaching Online)
I am grateful that the logistical conveniences of teaching online have allowed me to connect and reconnect with people from all over, regardless of our respective physical locations. This gave me the special opportunity to spend time in nature during the autumnal equinox and continue to teach for a week at my sister’s timeshare in Waterville Valley, NH.

Thank you all for the kind messages in support of my anxiety about teaching online and being in front of the camera. I am excited to offer two more weekly Zoom sessions on Thursdays and Saturdays (see schedule below). I am also continuing to offer private personal and group classes online, so please let me know if you would like more information on those.
Weekly Live Yoga Classes on Zoom
Mondays 7:20-8:30p EST Yin/Restorative Yoga + Metta Meditation
Wednesdays 5:20-6:40p EST Alignment-based Yoga + Metta Meditation
Thursdays 6:30-7:30p EST Ball Rolling + Stretch Class (starts October 8) NEW!
Saturdays 9-10:30a EST Alignment-based Yoga + Metta Meditation (starts October 3) NEW!
The ball rolling class will serve as a self-massage and stretch class. It is a great opportunity for self-care and downregulation of the nervous system. The ball rolling class will primarily use two rubber balls, in addition to blocks, a blanket and a strap or band. I use and teach with the following types of Yoga Tune Up Balls: Apple Green: Acqua Blue:
To join classes see schedule page
Guest Teaching at the Yoga Loft of Marblehead on Halloween
Saturday October 31 @ 8:15-9:30a -Alignment-based flow class online through the Yoga Loft of Marblehead: Click to join!
Metta/Lovingkindness Meditation
Metta meditation has been a powerful tool towards cultivating self-acceptance, love, worthiness, forgiveness, and compassion. I am continuing to share an abbreviated metta meditation practice at the end of each class. Previously, I have led metta meditation practices in workshops/trainings and retreats. Sharing this lovingkindness meditation is very meaningful, and has become such a gift.
I have recently shared a 15-minute guided metta meditation practice on YouTube:
vitoyoga on YouTube:
I created a vitoyoga channel and started offering some initial instructional videos of practices I find useful, especially as a tighter yogi. Please subscribe and like them if they are useful, and if you would like updates.
La Vita Bella: Yoga in Italia Retreats Postponed to Fall 2021
Fortunately, the International Yoga team was able to postpone this year’s retreats to Fall 2021. If you are interested or have questions, please let me know. The new dates and details:
September 25 – October 2, 2021
Recent Inspiration from Class:
“Sometimes I go about with pity for myself and all the while Great Winds are carrying me across the sky.” Ojibway Saying from Mark Nepo’s The Book of Awakening
May you be filled with courage and peace.
Much appreciated,