Reading: Right and Wrong

More wisdom from When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times: “There is nobody on the planet, neither those whom we see as the oppressed nor those whom we see as the oppressor, who doesn’t have what it takes to wake up. We all need support and encouragement to be aware of what we think,Continue reading “Reading: Right and Wrong”

Reading: When Things Fall Apart…again

Revisited my notes last week from Pema Chödrön‘s “When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times” when saw it was her 80th birthday and 20th anniversary of the book – timeless…and timely: “We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t reallyContinue reading “Reading: When Things Fall Apart…again”

Reading: Self-efficacy

My last post on teaching reminded me of this favorite from Sharon Salzberg’s The Force of Kindness:  “’People’s beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities….Ability is not a fixed property…there is huge variability in it; people who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failures; they approach things in terms ofContinue reading “Reading: Self-efficacy”

Reading: Reflections on Teaching — Intention and Perseverence

“Often we can achieve an even better result when we stumble yet are willing to start over, when we don’t give up after a mistake, when something doesn’t come easily but we throw ourselves into trying, when we’re not afraid to appear less than perfectly polished.” – Sharon Salzberg When I shared this in classes itContinue reading “Reading: Reflections on Teaching — Intention and Perseverence”

Reading: Change

“Change has considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.” – King Whitney Jr.   I found this yearsContinue reading “Reading: Change”

Reading: Take Action

I tend to recall and share this every spring. “Do not wait for strength before setting out, for immobility will weaken you further. Do not wait to see clearly before starting; one has to walk toward the light. When you take the first step and accomplish that tiny little act, the necessity of which mayContinue reading “Reading: Take Action”

Reading: Georg Feuerstein on “Mindfulness”

Originally posted 4/9/2013: From Georg Feuerstein’s book Yoga Gems: “So long as we are on automatic, we are propelled by our own habit patterns, and this merely reproduces our state of unenlightenment. The moment we introduce mindfulness, however, we can control undesirable thoughts, motivations, emotions, and actions and activate their positive counterparts.” – Georg Feuerstein With renewal of spring, I wasContinue reading “Reading: Georg Feuerstein on “Mindfulness””

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